2024 Officers
President – Brynn Laughlin
Vice President – Delilah Wilken
Co-Secretary – Edy Solet & Evelyn Gall
Treasurer – Rhina Jaunzemis
2024 Memebers
Bryleigh Absher
Samaja Amison
Carolyn Cabreja-Dahs
Makayla Canino
Franklin Clark
Claire Conner
Eli Conner
Braydyn Cook
Tavi Dillender
Tommy Faber
Xander Frisch
Evelyn Gall
Natalee Gast
Olivia Gast
Jencyn Gennari
Carly Grathwol
Matthew Grimm
Addie Lynn Hoffman
Caleb Holmes
Hayden Holmes
Weston Jaunzemis
Rhian Jaunzemis
McKenzie Kaman
Brynn Laughlin
Paige Loris
Preston Loris
Aubrey Malott
Bella Mathews
Ar’Ciele Oglesby-Riddle
Lillie Price
Rae Roth
Joe Solet
Aaron Solet
Edy Solet
Maddy Thayer
Emerson Thayer
Mason Thayer
Crew Trumpower
Delilah Wilken
Danica Ziemke

Once again, the Erie County Junior Fair Board is participating in Fight Hunger, Stock the Trailer sponsored by Mid-America Farm Credit to collect non-perishable food for Erie County residents in need. Last year they collected just over 1,300 pounds and their goal for this year is 2,000 pounds. This year the Junior Fair Board is challenging every 4-H club to participate and has set a goal of collecting five items per member for each club. Junior Fair Board members will be asking to speak for a few minutes at upcoming club meetings to challenge the members and get them going. Additionally, the Junior Fair Board will be issuing challenges to the Senior Fair Board, OSU Extension Office, and other county offices to help fight hunger in Erie County. All food collected can be placed in the trailer during the fair. The trailer will be at the fair all week to collect items; BUT start collecting today!! PLEASE help us “make the best better” as we help those less fortunate in Erie County. To quote Erie County Fair King and Jr. Fair Board member Caleb, “Erie County 4-H people are hard-working and generous. I know they can step up and help us accomplish this goal. Let’s do this together.”